Sales opportunities for young and old
If there are two target groups that have been significantly affected by the strong fluctuations in the housing market in recent years, they are likely newcomers and seniors. Both groups have difficulties finding suitable accommodation, face significant challenges, and often do not know what solutions are possible. Who, what, where, when, why, and how?
Where do you get answers without being permanently tied to a real estate specialist?
Seniors want to move
Many seniors have lived in the same house for years and now need a smaller home. This may be due to the cost of maintaining a large house, but also because they are no longer as mobile and prefer to move to a house without stairs. Most seniors have paid off their mortgage by now and can sell their house without financial problems.
All very complicated
Seniors often want to live smaller or on one level and have specific wishes and requirements for a new home. Safety and accessibility are keywords, and senior residences are often the solution. In addition to newly built senior residences, there are, of course, existing properties on the market that may or may not need adjustments. But what about the flow? Good flow inevitably leads to more suitable and available accommodations for seniors. This can be achieved, for example, through financial incentives such as lower taxes or subsidies. Phew, this is all very complicated. It’s time for action. But how and especially… where and with whom?
So forget it!
“How do I find all this out without knocking on the door of a real estate agent, to whom I might unwittingly become bound before I know it? No, forget it!” The step to the real estate agent is too big to seek advice. It seems so final, and yes… that real estate agent won’t let you go and only produces benefits in a ‘first conversation.’ Besides, you’re not sure yet. They are just vague plans or ideas in your head. “So forget it, it’s okay! It can still work in this big house!”
Phew, I’ve been hearing this for years!
The same goes for newcomers, who often also have a hard time in the housing market.
Due to rising house prices, it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to buy a home. Additionally, they often have to meet strict mortgage requirements, which means they can borrow less than they would like. One solution to this problem is to build more affordable housing. These are homes specifically designed for newcomers and affordable with lower incomes. Perhaps this brings a slightly cynical smile to your face. “Yes, I do read and hear that in all newspaper articles and on TV news programs. And I have been hearing it for years!” As a newcomer, you have little confidence in it.
No rocket science!
Furthermore, it has become really complicated when it comes to possibly lowering mortgage requirements so that newcomers can borrow more and thus have more opportunities in the housing market. Or promoting rent-to-own schemes, where you rent first as a newcomer and then later transition to a permanent purchase. Very interesting to still acquire ownership of a home in a flexible way. Complicated? Yes, very! At least for you, but for real experts in the field of the housing market in the North Limburg region, it’s really not rocket science.
Nice sales talks at VeTeBe
Oh, and you’re reading all this on a communication channel from VeTeBe and might think. Haha, another nice, convincing sales pitch. But what if we at VeTeBe assure you that this is not the case and that you, as a newcomer or senior, can seriously and gladly stop by us without obligation to discuss your problem. Again, without obligations, to talk to us about the current housing market, which makes it almost impossible for young people to find their own place and makes it very difficult for seniors to move to a smaller or different accommodation. How can these problems be addressed? With which expert can you discuss without ulterior motives?
A strong push forward
So at VeTeBe! Yes, yes, you know it by now. You’re not committed to anything, but what if we say that freedom in a free first conversation often already leads to significant subsequent steps and decisions for many of your predecessors. Maybe this will also put you on the right path for further steps you wouldn’t otherwise have taken. Going out with a wealth of knowledge and information, and then making progress with objective information without obligations. Sounds good, doesn’t it, such an incentive or the first strong push forward?
Feel free to leave your phone number, and we’ll call you. New opportunities for young and old!
Coffee is ready!